These days, the internet abounds with DIY beauty products, and when it comes to homemade lotion, I’ve tried so many variations. One of my favorites is whipped body butter, my recipe that smells and feels as decant as it sounds. When I want a lighter, non-greasy homemade lotion, this is the one.

Simple 3 Ingredient Non-Greasy Homemade Lotion

Why make homemade lotion when you can buy it at the store?

Here’s the thing. I don’t have time for fussy recipes that require odd ingredients, take a ton of time, or make a colossal mess in my kitchen. Luckily, this non-greasy homemade lotion is so simple to make, it’s easier than driving to the store.
But the main reason I go to the trouble of making non-greasy homemade lotion and other beauty products is that even the ‘all natural’ products you find at the health food store may be loaded with ingredients that are actually quite toxic. Mostly, folks assume that someone is regulating skin care and cosmetics. But unfortunately that’s just not the case.
Believe me, I’ve searched high and low, and there are very few products that are worthy of slathering on your skin. 
At the end of the day, making my own homemade lotion is well worth it – cost, convenience, and health all factored in.

Customizing your homemade lotion

I first discovered this non-greasy homemade lotion at Mommypotamus.com, and I love that you can make it with only three ingredients. With such a simple recipe, it’s easy to customize it and experiment to find the best ingredients for your skin type and tastes.
If you’re going for straight-up cost benefits, choose a high-quality oil that you already have in your pantry. Olive or coconut oils can work well, but use caution if you have acne-prone skin. Avocado oil is great for dry skin. Jojoba is relatively inexpensive, and good for all skin types.
My skin is acne-prone and aging with a combination of both oily and dry. Since this homemade lotion recipe calls for 3/4 cup liquid oil, I just get out that size measuring cup and fill it with a combination of oils to suit my skin. Here’s what I use:
Jojoba oil (slightly less than 1/2 cup) – A relatively stable oil, jojoba is good for dry, aging, oily, normal, or acne-prone skin.Simple 3 Ingredient Non-Greasy Homemade LotionSimple 3 Ingredient Non-Greasy Homemade Lotion
Argan oil (about 1/4 cup) – Good quality isn’t cheap so I use this as a secondary oil known to be great for most skin types. 
Neem oil (a squirt or two) – Because of its distinctive earthy smell (which I actually like), I use this sparingly, but my breakout prone skin loves it’s antimicrobial and healing properties. I use this pure organic neem oil. Since 100% neem oil is solid at room temperature, simple let it sit in a cup of hot water to liquefy before using.
Moroccan chamomile essential oil (about 10 drops) – I love both the mild, fresh smell and as a bonus, the benefits include anti-inflammatory (reduces redness), anti-bacterial, and antioxidant qualities (reduces aging). This is the Moroccan chamomile EO that I use. (Oh, and I didn’t add the Roman Chamomile to this batch I photographed for this post, because it’s intense blue color gives the finished product a slightly less photogenic blue-green tinge).
You can use the same oils as I do, or experiment to see what works best for your skin.

Non-greasy homemade lotion ingredients

  • 3/4 cup liquid oil (see above for what I use)
  • 3 tablespoons grated beeswax – 
  • 3/4 cup warm filtered water
  • 5-10 drops essential oils – 

Non-greasy homemade lotion method

  1. Make a double boiler by placing a larger bowl over a pot of boiling water.
  2. In your double boiler, melt the beeswax and oil.
  3. When the beeswax is completely melted, turn off heat.
  4. Add the ¾ cup warm filtered water to the food processor with the drip attachment on.
  5. Turn on the food processor and, drop-by-drop add the oil/beeswax liquid. It’s just like making mayonnaise – we are creating an emulsion of the water and oil. The lotion will be completely combined and creamy when finished. Add optional essential oils and pulse until combined through. Transfer to a glass jar for use.

*A note about shelf life

Keep in mind that because this homemade lotion recipe does not contain stabilizers and preservatives, it won’t be shelf stable like it’s store bought cousins. Your non-greasy homemade lotion will last a few weeks at room temperature.
I’ve also found that it doesn’t refrigerate well because the water and oil separate when brought back to room temperature. You could re-blend it, but in my opinion it’s easier to make it in smaller batches more often and enjoy the fragile nature of healthy skin care.

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